Monday, January 22, 2007

she sits and waits in the town
she hopes he will not be a clown
she met him online he sure was a cutey
Looks like he is not coming what a putey

He is driving to meet her all hot and ready
the car seems so slow like it running with no heady
his time is running out he wants her so bad
to bad so sad she looked like she wanted to be had.

she goes to a bar and gets talked up by some dick
he wanders into a pub and hits on the first chick
buy her a beer ask her back to his place
she looks at him hard and gets out her mace

Nothing for him and nothing for her.
she sleeps alone tonight and he heads
for the hopital hoping for some beds
his eyes are on fire she has her own tower.

A good right hand it's all that they need
a little help from a friend is helpful indeed
she pulls out her friend she calls it her tower
he finally gets home and steps into the shower

didn't work out as planned never really can
we just keep on moving hope that the plan
still works like we want or at least not to badly
It's nice when it works but mostly it's just madly